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Apprenticeships benefit both employers and individuals. By improving the skills of the workforce, they help to improve a company’s productivity. In essence, an Apprenticeship is a real job with structured recognised training.

Apprenticeships can be used to upskill existing staff or be used to recruit and train new staff.

Businesses of all sizes and sectors in England can recruit an apprentice and they can last anything from 12 months to 4 years. At eTraining we will help you access the right funding for your company.

eTraining will work closely with both employer and employee to ensure that the apprenticeship offered is the most appropriate for the individual’s job role, whilst reflecting individual employer and learner needs. Most of the training is on-the-job, working with a mentor to learn job specific skills in the workplace. Off-the-job training will depend on the occupational area, but the recommended minimum level is 20%. On completion of the apprenticeship the apprentice must perform tasks confidently and completely to the standard set by the industry, this means a learner will be confident and have all the skills required to complete their role and employers can rest assured their workforce is full trained and developed, with practical experience of the tasks required.

Depending on the size of the business the Apprenticeships are either co-funded up to 90% by the ESFA or for larger companies the cost is deducted from the business levy account; please see our funding rules section for more information.

Apprenticeships Levels
Name Level Equivalent educational level
Intermediate 2 5 GCSE passes at grades A* – C
Advanced 3 2 A level passes
Higher 4, 5, 6 and 7 Foundation degree and above
Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor’s or master’s degree
Apprenticeships at a glance
  • An Apprenticeship is a real Job, giving opportunity earn and learn at the same time
  • Apprenticeships can be used to upskill an existing workforce
  • Cost effective recruitment method
  • Apprenticeships are a great way of attracting enthusiastic talent with fresh ideas
  • Apprenticeships can help tackle skill shortages
  • Learning is completed within the workplace reducing disruption
  • Apprenticeships are tailored to specific job roles, making them flexible to the needs of your business
  • There is government funding available through eTraining
  • Apprenticeships can help reduce staff turnover, by increasing employee satisfaction and loyalty
  • Apprenticeships can provide you with the skilled workers you need for the growth of your business 
  • Newly recruited Apprentices be paid an apprenticeship wage for the first year of learning and then the national minimum wage for their age
 Our apprenticeships: