Our courses and apprenticeships are not just for new staff they are a great way of developing and gaining commitment from the employees you already have, reducing staff turnover and recruitment costs.
Apprenticeships can also be used to fill skills gaps within in your organisation with staff you already know and trust.
At eTraining we can help you select the right blend of courses and training options to maximise the return on your investment.
For non-levy paying organisations apprenticeships for existing staff are a fantastic way to get external investment in your organisations future, helping you to improve productivity and efficiency through improved staff skill, knowledge and capability.
Using your levy fund to upskill your workforce is one of the best ways of self-investing and ensuring you maximise the money you have. It is an investment in your organisation’s future, helping you to improve productivity and efficiency through improved staff skill, knowledge and capability.
For more information please see our courses and apprenticeships.
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